Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who am I?

Hello everyone! My name is Corine. I am from Bonners Ferry. That is in Idaho. I was made by Micaela in her kindergarten class. She told me that I would travel very far to a new place to see all sorts of fun things! I was so excited!

I was put in a big envelope and sent all the way across the country! It was very dark, but I knew that I was going to visit some nice people. Micaela sent me to visit her Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh. They were very happy to see me! Here is a picture of them:

This picture is from when they went to the country of Panama in Central America last summer. They told me it was a very pretty place. Do you know what that is behind them? That's right, it is a waterfall. Doesn't that look like fun? I would like to go see a waterfall someday, but I would have to be careful because I am made of paper. Do you have any ideas of how I could stay dry if I go to see one someday? 

Anyway, Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh live in New York City. Isn't that exciting? It is such a big place with so many things to see. I am happy that I was sent here to learn about the place that they live. I want to share all of my adventures with you, so be sure to check my blog often!

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