Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Trip to The Park!

Today we went for a walk in the park. It is called Forest Park and is only 2 blocks away from where Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh live. It is very big.

People think that New York City is just a only really tall buildings and lots of people. There are a many of both of those things here, but I am learning that New York is full of surprises. In this park there are a lot of hiking trails and you feel like you are out in the woods!

Here I am playing in the leaves that fell last Autumn.

 I learned that most of the trees here are deciduous. That big word means that they have green leaves that grow in Spring and Summertime. Then they turn orange, red, and yellow, and fall in the autumn. They don't have any leaves during the winter. I thought that they were dead, but Aunt Beverly told me that they are just sleeping and waiting until the spring when they will grow new leaves again. That sure is interesting and is much different than all of those Pine trees that we have in Idaho!

I hope the trees grow their leaves soon so that I can see the park when it is all green. Uncle Josh said that when the weather starts getting warmer again it will tell the trees that it is Spring and they will start growing their leaves.

Even though the park wasn't green yet, I still had a great time today! I wonder where my next adventure in NYC will be...

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