Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Adventure: The Subway and Jackson Heights

Today was my first adventure in the Big Apple. That is what people call New York City. Isn't that a funny name?
On the way out, I learned that it is the law to recycle in New York. That is good. It is very important to do things that help our planet. Do you recycle where you live?

New York is a big city and there are a lot of people. To help people get from one place to another, they built a subway. Do you know what a subway is? It is a train that goes underground. It runs underneath the streets. They built the first part of it a very long time ago. It first opened in 1904. Isn't that cool? I sure think so. The coolest part, though, is that I got to ride on the subway for the first time today. It was so much fun!
Here I am in front of the subway while it goes rushing by! It goes very fast.

This is me with Aunt Beverly. We are riding inside of the subway car. It wasn't very busy today because it was Sunday, but I was told that sometimes it gets very crowded when people are going to work and back home. People have to stand very close together. I don't think I would like that, but it wouldn't be too bad for me because I am flat! lol

This is part of the map that shows where the subway goes. This is only part of it. This part shows the trains that go to Queens and Brooklyn. I haven't been to Manhattan, Staten Island or the Bronx, but we will go there soon.

We took the subway to a neighborhood in Queens called Jackson Heights. There are a lot of people that live here that came from India. There are a lot of people from all over the world in New York. I learned that when people come to live here from another country, it is called immigration. I like immigration because it brings so many different people from all over. It makes things much more interesting because they bring new things: new ways of talking, different foods, music, and ideas. Visiting Jackson Heights was almost like visiting another country! It was very different and I liked it a lot.

First we went to an Indian restaurant and ate at the buffet. I got to try all kinds of new foods! They were delicious.

The bread is called Uttapam, the green stuff is Palak Paneer, and the yellow stuff on the bottom right is daal. I learned that Paneer is a type of Indian cheese and daal has lentils in it.

After lunch, Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh took me to see some of the stores. We went to a place called Maharaja Sweets. I learned that maharaja is a name for a kind in India. They had such interesting things there. They had sweet stuff and salty snacks. We brought home a few things for later.

These are the salty and crunchy snacks.

The sweets are so colorful and look so tasty!

I am tired after so much adventure, but am excited to see where I will go next time!

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