Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Break Road Trip!

This week was Aunt Beverly's spring break from college. Uncle Josh wanted to do something really fun, so we took a road trip to stay in a Bed and Breakfast! Do you know what a Bed and Breakfast is? Sometimes people shorten it to B&B. It is a like a small hotel where you go to stay overnight and also get a very nice breakfast in the morning. They are fun places to go.

Here is a map of where we are and where we went. Can you see the island on the very bottom? That is Long Island and that is where Queens is. We had to cross a bridge to get to the mainland and then drove to Connecticut. That is the next state to the north. We drove through New Haven to a very small town called Preston. Can you see New Haven on the map?

We drove up the pink line which is Interstate 95 to New London. The place we stayed was just a little north of there, between Norwich and Uncasville. Can you find that on the map? If you click on it to make it bigger, it might be easier.

The place we stayed at was called Captain Grant's, 1754. It is called that because the main house was built in the year 1754 by a sailor named Captain Grant. He built the house for his wife. Her name was Mercy. The house that we stayed in was right next to the big one and was called the Avery House. Avery was Mercy's last name before she married Captain Grant. This house was built in 1790. They are both very very old houses. 

The inside of the room was very nice. It had a fireplace where we built fires to make the nights cozy.

There was also a pretty piece of furniture called a vanity. Women used to use these before they had bathrooms like ours. Here is where they combed their hair and got ready for the day. They could keep all their pretty things, hairbrushes, perfumes and jewelry here. 

This house was built a long time before they had electricity, but they have updated it so we had modern things like lights and a bathroom.

A long time ago, it was hard to heat the house with just the fireplaces. Because of that, people built their houses with very low ceilings. This helped to keep the warm air closer to the floor where the people where. Aunt Beverly isn't very tall, and you can see in this picture that the ceiling isn't very far above her head. Uncle Josh is very tall and had to duck to walk into the bathroom!

Across from the Bed and Breakfast was an old cemetery.  We took a quiet walk around in it to see all the old graves. 

Here is a picture of Aunt Beverly taking a picture with her iPod. Can you see me tucked in her arm? There were gravestones of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some were very big and some were very small. Some were so old that you could not read them anymore! The writing had been worn off from the wind and rain.

Here I am looking at a big and old gravestone. Here is a close up of it. Can you read the date?

This person was born on January 19th, in 1801 and died on May 20, in 1881. That means that they lived to be 80 years old. If they were still alive today, they would be 211 years old!

After seeing the cemetery, we took a drive to the nearby town of New London. It was a very old and pretty city. This city was founded in 1646. That was a very long time ago! That means this city is over 300 years old! Wow! Before is was settled by people from England, it was called Nameaug by the people that lived there first. They were Native Americans and their tribe was called the Pequot. (That is pronounced like pee-kwat.)  This city is right on the water that leads to the Atlantic Ocean. There used to be a lot of sailors here as this was what was called a major Seaport. That means that many ships used to travel in and out of here. They would bring goods to sell from other countries and also take good from America to sell in other countries. 

Here is a picture of the water and a big ship. I couldn't be in the pictures of New London because it was raining and I am made of paper. I had to be careful. I didn't want to fall apart! Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh took lots of pictures, though.

Here is a big statue that is in downtown. It is was made to remember the Civil War.

Here is the Amtrak train station. It is in downtown, too, and is right on the water. It is an old brick building. 

Here is another picture of downtown New London. See all the old buildings. Don't they look interesting next to the new cars? Aunt Beverly and Uncle Josh said that this town reminded them of other towns they have seen in Ireland. Isn't that cool?

There are some stores in New London that sell very old things called antiques. Here is a picture of Uncle Josh looking as some very interesting things. It was fun to go to these stores and see all the old things that people used to use. 

It was a very fun trip that we went on to Connecticut. I am glad that we got to go out to another place to see more interesting things. Soon I will be going back to Idaho and even though I got to see and learn so much here, I am very excited to see Mickie again and tell everyone about my wonderful adventures!